The Instruction section will help you through all steps needed to use the system effectively. Knowing what your Parkinson Smartwatch can do and understanding how to use it can really help. Please take the time to read the information in each section by clicking on the different heading bars.
The Parkinson smartwatch is not available yet. Please subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed.
To register please go to our shop (the icon is at the right top of the homepage, just take a look).
You will find more information about the procedure here:
The Parkinson Smartwatch is not available yet. Please subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed.
If you register, we will send you a watch as soon as possible. Please use CONTACT if any problem occurs.
To login go to the homepage, click the Login-Button in the navigation bar. Enter your username and password.

To connect your watch go to your personal webpage, click More in the section WATCH. You will find more instructions there.
Go to the Parkinson Smartwatch website and log in to your personal, private webpage. Under the section MEDICATION you can find details about how to set medication reminders
How to use the Parkinson Smartwatch
To get an impression, please take a look at improve